Release tour Love's wished ways by LB Russell & Cheri Marie


 Release tour 
Love's wished ways by LB Russell & Cheri Marie 

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Somos melhores amigos há muito tempo. Sempre meu protetor, só fazia sentido que acabaríamos parceiros do departamento de polícia de Oceanside. Agora, com um assassino à solta, possivelmente  me atacando, as emoções são elevadas e os sentimentos estão aplainando que nunca senti antes.

Desde o dia que a conheci, trêmula e medo sob o trepa-trepa, eu sabia que ela seria uma parte substancial da minha vida. Os anos se passaram e eu me apaixonei . Com Skye, aparentemente o alvo de alguma obsessão de doentes de merda, eu vou fazer de tudo para mantê-la segura. Mas primeiro, ela precisa saber como eu realmente me sinto sobre ela.

Um assassino está à solta, a vida de Skye e da minha irmã  estão em jogo.

Amizade. Amor. Uma obsessão secreta. Assassinato.

Se fosse para escolher entre as pessoas que você ama, você poderia fazer uma  escolha?
We’ve been best friends for a long time. Always my protector, it only made sense that we’d end up partners at the Oceanside Police Department. Now, with a killer on the loose, possibly targeting me, emotions are high and feelings are surfacing that I’ve never felt before.
Since the day I met her, quivering and scared under the jungle gym, I knew she would be a substantial part of my life. The years passed and I felt myself falling. With Skye seemingly the target of some sick fucks obsession, I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe. But first, she needs to know how I really feel about her.
A killer is on the loose, Skye and my sisters’ lives are on the line.
Friendship. Love. A Secret Obsession. Murder.
If It Came Down To Choosing Between The People You Love, Could You Make The Choice?

“Don’t play stupid Skye! Us, I want to talk about us.”
“Fucking Christ Colin, there is no us! What do I have to do to get it through to you?”
“Say you don’t love me.”
“What? Don’t be fucking ridiculous.”
“Say it Skye. If there’s really no us, tell me right now that you don’t love me. That you don’t feel the same fucking way about me that I feel about you.”
I take a step towards her.
“I’m not going to say that because it isn’t true. I do love you. But like a friend.”
“Just a friend?” I ask as I take another step closer to her, forcing her to take another step backwards, her back against the wall. 
Our close proximity is getting to her, I can see it in her breathing and her body language. Leaning in, I brush my lips against hers.

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