Exceto Revelado / Excert Reveal Easy Magic ( The Boudreaus series #5) by Kristen Pro

Exceto Revelado / Excert Reveal 
Easy Magic ( The Boudreaus series #5) by Kristen Proby 
Data de lançamento : 04/04/2017 

Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/2nuCPlq

Sinopse/ synopsis 

 Família. Responsabilidade. Estabilidade.

Como co-CEO da Bayou Enterprises, e o mais velho do clã Boudreaux, Beau é o epítome de todas essas qualidades. Agora que sua irmã caçula, Gabby, está feliz em seu relacionamento, Beau mudou-se para o sótão da empresa no coração do French Quarter para estar mais perto de seu escritório, enquanto sua própria casa é construída. Ele não tem tempo para nada além da família que ele adora e da empresa que gere.

Se apenas a enfeitiçante dona da loja de ervas lá embaixo do sótão de Beau não fosse tão tentadora...

Mallory Adams está vivendo a vida. A vida boa. A melhor vida para ela. Depois de anos de esconder quem ela é, e os dons dos quais  ela sente que foi amaldiçoada, Mallory abriu sua pequena loja no Bairro Francês, oferecendo ervas e loções para qualquer coisa, desde acalmar uma queimadura solar até perseguir aqueles fantasmas traquinas da qual New Orleans é conhecida. Alguns a chamam de excêntrica, e alguns dizem que ela é simplesmente estranha, e está tudo bem para ela. Ela é um pouco estranha, mas em sua experiência, todas as melhores pessoas o são.

Quando um cano velho explode no loft acima de sua loja, inundando tudo, Mallory se depara com Beau Boudreaux, e ela não precisa das habilidades clarividentes que foram passadas através de gerações para saber que ela nunca mais será a mesma. Beau é exatamente o oposto dela; sério, todo certinho. Veste ternos como ninguém e provavelmente não saberia a diferença entre  arnica e  linhaça, mesmo se sua vida dependesse disso. Mas quando ele toca nela, a eletricidade é como se viesse dos céus e ela é inteligente o suficiente para saber que uma química como a deles não acontece todos os dias.

Duas pessoas tão diferentes podem encontrar seu caminho para serem felizes para sempre?
Family. Responsibility. Stability. 

As the co-CEO of Bayou Enterprises, and the eldest of the Boudreaux clan, Beau is the epitome of these. Now that his baby sister Gabby is happily settled down, Beau has moved into the company loft in the heart of the French Quarter to be closer to his office while his own home is built. He doesn’t have time for anything but the family he adores and the company that drives him.

If only the bewitching owner of the herb shop downstairs from Beau’s loft wasn’t so damn tempting.

Mallory Adams is living the life. The good life. The best life for her. After years of hiding who she is, and the gifts she’s been cursed with, Mallory opened her little shop in the French Quarter, offering herbs and lotions for anything from soothing a sunburn to chasing those pesky ghosts New Orleans is known for out of a client’s home. Some call her eccentric, and some say she’s simply odd, and that’s okay with her. She is a bit odd, but in her experience, all of the best people are. 

When an old pipe bursts in the loft above her store, flooding her storeroom, Mallory comes face to face with Beau Boudreaux, and she doesn’t need the clairvoyant abilities that have been passed down through generations to know that she’ll never be the same. Beau is her exact opposite; serious, straitlaced. He wears suits for Pete’s sake and probably wouldn’t know the difference between arnica and flaxseed if his life depended on it. But when he touches her, the electricity is through the roof and she’s smart enough to know that a chemistry like theirs doesn’t happen every day.

Can two people so very different possibly find their way to happily ever after?


I turn to look at him and he’s leaning against the door jamb, watching me with lust written all over his face. 
I don’t have to be psychic to see it. 
He wants me. 
He slowly pushes away from the door and moves toward me, his shoulders broad in the white button down shirt, his arms hard where the shirt is rolled to his elbows. His jaw tightens as he gets closer, towering over me because he’s so damn tall, but I’m not afraid of him in the least. 
He doesn’t say a word as he lifts his hand to cup my cheek, his thumb brushing under my eye. I wrap my hand around his wrist and lean into his touch, soaking up his warmth. God, I’ve missed being touched.
Being touch by Beau is like being touched for the first time in my life, and I never want him to 

He lowers his lips to mine, brushes them lightly, nibbles the corner, and then sinks in for the kiss 
of my life. He gently urges my mouth open, and licks my lips, and devours me. His hand dives 
into my hair, and the wall is suddenly at my back as he continues to explore me in ways I didn’t even know existed. 
He braces his free hand on the wall above my head, and I fist my hands in his shirt at his sides, holding on for dear life. 
Finally, he pulls back, breathing hard, his eyes bright and dilated. 
And in the moment, I know. His touch is safe. I can trust it. Him. I’m not bombarded with someone else’s emotions, and I am free to simply feel my own while being intimate with him. 
“So that’s what all the hoopla’s about.” 
He smirks, and I realize I spoke aloud again, but I’m not embarrassed. Not in the least. 
He takes a deep breath and drags his knuckles down my cheek. 
“I want to keep you here all night,” he murmurs before kissing my forehead. “So I’d better take you home.”
I smile. He could talk me into staying. But he’s not. And I’ll be damned if that doesn’t make me like him even more.

And don’t forget to grab the first four books in 
The Boudreaux Series!

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