Resenha/Review : Dirty Souls by Karina Halle


Violet McQueen has always been a sensitive soul. Troubled and misunderstood, she never realized her place in the world, nor her true potential…until she met Vicente Bernal.

From birth, Vicente Bernal has always known his place in the world – he’s been groomed to be a ruthless king. Yet for a man whose soul has become morally bankrupt, it’s only through Violet he’s realizing the worth of someone’s heart.

But at what cost?

With a deadly game set in motion taking them from the stark deserts of California to the steamy jungles of Mexico, Violet and Vicente’s forbidden relationship will be put to the test. Boundaries will be pushed, lines will be crossed and souls will get very, very dirty.

Because how do you choose between blood and love when both might get you killed? 

Resenha/ Review 

Dirty Soul é a conclusão da história de Violet e Vicent , e a autora nos leva a uma louca aventura que prendeu minha atenção a cada página . 

 Se o primeiro livro me deixou com um monte de perguntas , aqui pouco a pouco eu fui desvendando o mistério dessa intrigante história .

Violet e Vicent são personagens ótimos , fortes e mais apaixonados que nunca . Adorei ver quão protetor Vicent se tornou dela e quão forte e determinada ela foi se mostrando . Esses dois são o par perfeito e foi ótimo ver o crescimento deles nessa louca jornada .

Os personagens secundários que vimos no primeiro livro estão de volta e cada um tem sua própria importância nesse ponto da história . 

This isn’t just young love … This is mad love. The kind that’s incurable. "

Dirty Soul é uma louca aventura , é dark , intenso , apaixonado , cheios de reviravoltas é um balanço perfeito entre romance , dark e suspense .

4 " crazy" stars 

Dirty Soul is the conclusion of the story of Violet and Vincent, and the author takes us on a crazy adventure that arrested my attention to each page.If the first book left me with a lot of questions, here little by little I was unraveling the mystery in this intriguing story.

Violet and Vincent are great, strong characters and more in love than ever. I loved how Vincent became her protector and how strong and determined she was showing off.These two are a perfect match and it was great to see their growth in this crazy journey.

The secondary characters that we saw in the first book are back and each have your own importance at this point in history.

Dirt Soul Dirty Soul is a crazy adventure, is dark, intense, passionate, full of twists and turns is a perfect balance between romance, dark and suspense and I was completely immersed in this one.

"This isn’t just young love … This is mad love. The kind that’s incurable. "

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars 

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