Resenha/Review : Don't Speak by Katy Regnery

A fisherman’s daughter.

The governor’s son.

Two very different worlds.

In this modern retelling of The Little Mermaid, a fisherman’s daughter from an Outer Banks island untouched by time, meets the son of North Carolina’s governor at a fancy party where she’s working.

Laire, who wants so much more from life than her little island can offer, is swept away by wealthy, sophisticated Erik, who is, in turn, entranced by her naiveté and charm. The two spend a whirlwind summer together that ends on the knife-point of heartbreak and forces them to go their separate ways.

Years later, when fate leads them back to one another, they will discover the terrifying depth of the secrets they kept from each other, and learn that shattered hearts can only be healed by a love that willfully refuses to die.
Don't Speak é o quinto livro da série " A modern fairytale" inspirado no conto da pequena sereia .Esta série é fantástica, não me canso de me permitir viajar neste mundo que a autora escreve.
Neste livro, temos a história de Laire, filha de pescadores de uma ilha de Outer Banks e Erik, o filho do governador da Carolina do Norte. Duas pessoas que pertencem a mundos completamente diferentes, mas eles têm em comum o fato de que ambos estão presos pelas expectativas das suas famílias.Não vou entrar no mérito da história, mas o que posso dizer é que, eles passam  um verão juntos e se apaixonam, mas algo acontece e faz com que eles sigam caminhos  diferentes.Agora, anos mais tarde, Laire e Erik, se encontram e tem que  decidir se eles podem deixar os   segredos quês separaram  no passado para que  talvez eles possam se permitir  dar outra chance para o amor .
Laire é adorável. Ela é uma sonhadora, que quer mais sua vida do que sua vidinha na ilha pode oferecer. Adorei o contraste de Laire neste livro. Se ela começou como uma menina ingênua e sonhadora, no final ela se tornou uma mulher madura e determinada.Erik também adorável e exatamente o que  Laire precisava  na sua vida. Não importa se como aquele  jovem de antes antes ou o homem que ele se tornou  A relação entre eles era tão especial que era impossível não torcer que eles conseguissem chegar o saber tão bem merecida final feliz.
"I love you. I never stopped."

"I love you too. Even when I hated you, I still loved you."

Don't Speak é É uma história sobre uma segunda chance, com a mistura perfeita de romance, angústia, drama e doçura. Um perfeito conto de fadas moderno que merece ser lido e apreciado.

Don't Speak Is the fifth book in the series "A modern fairytale" based on The Little Mermaid. This series is fantastic, don't get tired of allowing me to travel in this world with the writing of this author.

In this book We have the story of Laire, fisherman's daughter from an Outer Banks island and Erik the son of North Carolina's governor. Two people who belong to completely different worlds, but they have in common the fact that they both are trapped by the expectations of their families. I'm not going to get into the merits of the story, but what I can say is that with a summer to pass together these two fall in love, but something happens and causes they follow different courses.Now years later, Laire and Erik, meet and have to decide if they can let go of the secrets that the split in the past that perhaps they let give him another chance to love.

Laire is adorable. She is a dreamer, who wants more to your life than your little life on the island can offer. I loved the contrast of Laire in this book. If she started out as a naive girl and dreamer, in the end she became a mature woman and determined. Erik also adorable and exactly who Laire needed in your life. No matter how young she knows that summer or the man he became.The relationship between them was so special that it was impossible not to hope that they could reach the know so well-deserved HEA.

Don't Speak Is a story about second chances, With the perfect blend of romance, angst, drama and sweetness. A perfect modern fairy tale that deserves to be read and appreciated.

"I love you. I never stopped."

"I love you too. Even when I hated you, I still loved you."

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