Resenha/Review : Sweet Rivalry by K Bromberg


Ryder Rodgers had a plan. 

He was going to stride into the conference room, do the required song and dance over the next five days, and win the biggest contract of his career. But when he walked in and heard the voice of one of his competitors, all his plans were shot to hell. 

Harper Denton. She was always on top. In college. First in their class. Always using every advantage to edge him out to win the coveted positions. The only one who could beat him. His academic rival. More like a constant thorn in his side. And his ego’s.

When he heard her voice, he was brought back to years before. To the bitter taste of being second best. But the woman who meets his gaze is nothing like the drab wallflower he used to know. Hell no. She was all woman now: curves, confidence, and staggering sex appeal. And no doubt, still brilliant. 

The fact that she’s gorgeous and bright won’t distract him. This time, Ryder’s determined to be the one on top. But not if Harper can help it.



  Sweet Rivarly   é uma curta história que aborda uma competição entre os protagonistas  e também é sobre segundas chances, dois tópicos que eu amo ler um livro, então não havia nenhuma maneira que eu  não amasse e se divertisse com esta história.

Ryder e Harper são velhos conhecidos, que no passado tinham uma coisa para o outro e estavam competindo para ser o melhor. Depois de um beijo compartilhado seguiram caminhos diferentes e agora 13 anos depois estão cara a cara novamente em uma corrida para ver quem é o melhor.

Eu amei ler este livro, Ryder e Harper são grandes e foi divertido ler o provocando uns aos outros enquanto era óbvio que havia uma grande química.

Sweet Rivarly é uma rápida e deliciosa leitura com a combinação certa entre momentos  doces, engraçados e quentes.

Sweet Rivarly is a short story about enemies to lovers and also is about second chances, two topics that I love reading in a book, so there was no way not to love and have fun with this story.

Ryder and Harper are old acquaintances who in the past had a thing for each other and were competing to be the best. After a shared Kiss they followed different paths and now 13 years later are face to face again in a race to see who is the best.

I loved reading this book, Ryder and Harper are great and it was fun reading the teasing each other while it was obvious that there was a great chemistry there.

Sweet Rivarly Sweet Rivarly is a quick and delicious read with the right mix between sweet, funny and hot moments

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars 

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