Capa Revelada/Cover Real : Twenty- Two (Assassins #11.5) by Toni Aleo
Capa Revelada/Cover Real
Twenty- Two (Assassins #11.5) by Toni Aleo
Data de lançamento : 22/05/2017
Quando Lucas Brooks foi negociado para os Nashville Assassins a dez anos atrás Ele era esquentado impetuoso, briga sem uma âncora.
Bem, quatro filhos e uma esposa gostosa ' você pesará para baixo muito depressa, mas Lucas não mudaria um minuto de seu felizes para sempre.
Durante um épico, final de temporada para a Copa, as alterações aparecem no horizonte, e de repente, há uma reviravolta na história de conto de fadas de Lucas.
When Lucas Brooks was traded to the Nashville Assassins over a decade ago, he was a brash, brawling hothead without an anchor.
Well, four kids and a smokin' hot wife will weigh you down real fast, but Lucas wouldn't change a minute of his happily ever after.
During an epic, end-of-season quest for the Cup, changes appear on the horizon, and suddenly, there's a plot twist in Lucas's fairy tale.
Well, four kids and a smokin' hot wife will weigh you down real fast, but Lucas wouldn't change a minute of his happily ever after.
During an epic, end-of-season quest for the Cup, changes appear on the horizon, and suddenly, there's a plot twist in Lucas's fairy tale.
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