Lançamento do dia / Release Day : Pieces of Us by Katharina Leboeuf

Lançamento do dia / Release Day 
Pieces of Us by Katharina Leboeuf 

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Quando Ryan conheceu Emma, ele sabia que ela estava fora de sua liga. A última coisa que esperava era se apaixonar perdidamente por ela.
Emma sempre se sentiu fora de lugar com o status social de sua família e seus próprios  amigos.Conhecer  Ryan, o garoto do outro lado dos trilhos, abriu os olhos para um outro mundo — um mundo que fez seu sentido feliz e fez pela primeira vez.
Isto , até o pai dela se tornou uma doença terminal, mudando o curso do futuro juntos de  Ryan e da Emma . Eles foram uma vez feliz, agora sendo separados , mas são as razões válidas ou mais alguém puxando as cordas?
When Ryan met Emma, he knew she was way out of his league. The last thing he expected was to fall head over heels in love with her.
Emma always felt out of place with her family’s social status and her own friends. Meeting Ryan, the boy from the other side of the tracks, opened her eyes to another world—a world that made her happy and made sense for once.
That is, until her father became terminally ill, changing the course of Ryan and Emma’s future together. They were once happy, now torn apart, but are the reasons valid or is someone else pulling the strings?  
Surprise! Here is the Prequel Novella to the Damaged Heart Series. Find out the story of how Emma and Ryan met and how their story formed the pieces of their history together. The first book Letting Love Go will be released April 18.

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