Resenha/Review: Children of Vice by J.J. McAvoy

Título - Children of Vice 
Autora- J.J. McAvoy  
Não lançado no Brasil.
Classificação: 5/5 estrelas

I, Ethan Antonio Giovanni Callahan, first son of the former head of the Irish mob, Liam Alec Callahan, and former head of the Italian mafia, ex-governor, Melody Nicci Giovanni Callahan, solemnly swear to ruthlessly protect our family name, business and way of life, no matter the cost to me or anyone else. I shall show no mercy; I shall offer no forgiveness; there will be no peace for those who stand against me.
I will live for my family.
I will kill for my family.
I will marry for my family.
I, Ivy O'Davoren, the only daughter of Shay O'Davoren, solemnly swear to ruthlessly and mercilessly exact revenge on the Callahans and all those who betrayed my father and family. 
I will live for revenge.
I will kill for revenge.
I will marry for revenge.
You devoured the Ruthless People series. Now it’s time to revel in the reign of the Callahan children…


Sabe aquele livro que prende sua atenção , que a história é fantástica , os personagens fascinantes e você ficar triste de terminar a leitura ?  Fazia  um longo tempo que um livro de mafioso me fazia eu me sentir assim . Mas J.J McAvoy com Children of vice conseguiu . 

Tudo nesse livro é fantástico. Começando pela narração instigante , fluída e Eletrizante  aos personagens principais e secundários . A autora aqui fez um ótimo trabalho nessa história entregando aos seus leitores uma história cheia de reviravoltas , segredos , sangue e romance  que eu não consegui colocar para baixo nem por um segundo.

Ethan e Ivy são personagens fantásticos . Eles não são bons , eles são torcidos , escuros , loucos e insanos , mas eu não poderia querer de outra forma. Adorei o relacionamento deles . Os outros personagens aqui acrescentam a história e cada um deles tem sua importância .

Enfim, para acabar só posso dizer que fazia tempo que um livro desse tema não me fascinava como esse . Com suspense , sangue , reviravoltas , descobertas e personagens intrigantes eu termino esse livro querendo mais desse universo e desses personagens .

Mal posso esperar para saber o que vai acontecer ... a seguir com esses personagens , espero que não demore muito.

The world isn't black or white. Sometimes you need to do bad to do good and worse to do even better."

You know that book that holds your attention, that the story is fantastic, fascinating characters and you feel sad to finish reading? It's been a long time that a mobster me made me feel so. But j. j. McAvoy with Children of vice did it.

Everything in this book is fantastic. Starting with thought-provoking narration, streamed and electrifying the main and secondary characters.The author here did a great job on this story giving their readers a story full of twists and turns, secrets, blood and romance that I couldn't put it down for a second.

Ethan and Ivy are fantastic characters. They are not good, they are twisted, dark, crazy and insane, but I couldn't ask otherwise.I love their relationship. The other characters here add the story and each of them has your importance.

Anyway, I can only say that it was time that a book that fascinated me like this theme. With thriller, blood, twists, intriguing characters and discoveries I end this book wanting more of this universe and these characters.I can't wait to know what's going to happen next with these characters, I hope it doesn't take too long.

"The world isn't black or white. Sometimes you need to do bad to do good and worse to do even better."

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