Resenha/Review: Rocked Up by Karina Halle &a scott Mackenzie

Título - Rocked Up
Autora- Karina Halle & Scott Mackenzie 
Não lançado no Brasil.
Recebemos o ARC do livro.

Classificação: 3.5/5 estrelas

I have been watching him since I was a child. 
He didn't notice me back then and it didn't matter. Brad Snyder, guitarist and singer for one of the world's greatest bands, was my entire life.
My father, the CEO of Ramsey Records, takes credit for all of Brad's success, trying to control him in the same way he's controlled me.
But I finally get an opportunity to prove myself. 
To be wild. 
To be free.
Today I'm auditioning to be the replacement bass player for Brad's band. If I get the job, I'll go on tour and work with Brad every day, in very close proximity.
There's only one rule: he's not allowed to touch the boss's daughter.
Remember when I said that Brad never used to notice little ol' me?
Well, Brad's noticing me now.
In a way that's going to get us both in trouble.
                                                                         My name is Lael Ramsey and we all know how this will turn out.


Rocked up é o mais novo livro de Karina Halle e Scott Mackenzie e aqui é tudo no mundo do rock roll, um dos temas que eu gosto muito de ler . E eu gostei desse livro.

Esse livro é divertido , romântico  e somos apresentados a história de Brad e Lael, ela que anos antes teve um queda pela estrela da música . Quem nunca se apaixonou por seu ídolo não é verdade ? Então foi divertido ler a história de um Crush na adolescência tomar forma agora que ela é escolhida para ser a baterista que vai em um turnê com a banda .

Brad e Lael são personagens bacanas , e de alguma forma se veem conectamos por ambos se veem sob o domínio do chefe da gravadora Ramsey Records, . Ele é o pai dela e chefe de Brad , e limites são definidos e para Brad Lael é totalmente fora dos limites . Mas regras são para ser quebradas não ? 

Enquanto eu gostei da proposta do livro e me diverti na leitura , teve alguns aspectos que não me convenceram . Achei que a conexão deles deveria ter sido mais trabalhada para me fazer acreditar que ambos estavam se apaixonando , o que não aconteceu . E também uma reviravolta lá para o final me incomodou um pouco .

Mas apesar de tudo  e embora esse não seja o meu livro preferido de Karina Halle eu ainda achei uma leitura agradável , divertida e romântica e espero que esses dois autores venham a escrever em conjunto mais vezes .


Rocked up is the newest book by Karina Halle and Scott Mackenzie and here is everything in the world of rock and roll, one of the themes that I like to read. And I liked this book.

This book is fun, romantic and we presented the story of Brad and Rebecca, she who years before had a crush on Star of music. Who never fell in love with your Idol isn't true ?So it was fun to read the story of a teenage Crush take shape now that she is chosen to be the drummer who goes on a tour with the band.

Brad and Lael are cool characters, and somehow are connected by both are under the domain of the head of the Ramsey Records label. He is her father and boss of Brad, and limits are defined and Brad Lael is totally out of bounds. But rules are meant to be broken right?

While I liked the book proposal and had fun in reading, had some aspects that I don't buy it. I thought the connection of them should have been more work to make me believe that they were both falling, what didn't happen.And also a turn towards the end kind of bothered me and I found it unnecessary.

But despite everything, and although this is not my favorite book of Karina Halle I still found it a pleasant, fun and romantic reading and I hope that these two authors will write together more often.

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