Blog Tour Steal –Rachel Van Dyken

Blog Tour 

Steal –Rachel Van Dyken

It's easy to lose yourself in someone you love. 
Easier to lose yourself in someone you hate…
I didn't think it could get any worse than having to babysit a bunch of spoiled musicians on set — keeping them out of trouble is a cakewalk compared to seeing my ex every day. 
Seaside, Oregon isn't big enough for the both of us. 
She hates me.
I loathe her.
The plan was simple — stay the hell away and make sure she gets to set on time.
What I didn't expect was to be faced with our past in front of an audience — and be forced to face it again.
It's torture.
The way she looks at me.
The way I try to look through her.
Words left unsaid.
The lingering aftermath still as powerful as ever. 
I feed the chasm between us, for fear that she'll make me feel again — and steal the last shred of heart I have left.
We have everything but each other.
It's not enough.
Not when you've lost love.
And replaced it with the only thing left — hate.

Embora não meu primeiro desta autora, é o primeiro desta série que eu li, e eu tenho que avisá-lo que isto não interferir em nada na minha compreensão pela história. Steal é o  meu tipo favorito de história: segundo chances. Adoro esse tipo de livro para ver o casal se reconectar. O romance de Will e Angelica não terminou bem anos atras e agora eles estão cara a cara novamente.Ambos não são mais as mesmas pessoas de antes, mas independente disso nesse livro podemos ver que o amor não morreu.Steal é um livro emocional e a jornada desses personagens não será fácil, mas a autora soube balancear bem o livro com momentos engraçados e leves que tornaram a leitura rápida.Eu gostei desse livro, quis abraçar Angelica em vários momentos , enquanto quis bater em Will em outros , mesmo compreendendo suas atitudes. Emocional e divertido esse livro fala sobre segundas chances e é um livro bom que me faz querer voltar e conhecer a história dos outros personagens .

Although not my first of this author, is the first in this series that I read, and I have to warn you that this is not in my way to understand and follow the story.Steal comes my favorite kind of story: second chances. I love this kind of book to see the couple reconnecting.The romance of Will and angelica didn't end well years ago and now they're facing each other again. Both are not the same people as before and in this book we see that despite that the love between them isn't dead.Steal is a very emotional book and 
 of Will and angelica is not easy, but the author knew quantitate the book with funny moments and relaxed making the reading light and Fast.I liked this book, I wanted to embrace almost the entire book and Angelica Will want to knock in a few moments, but it was undeniable that these two had feelings there all the time.Emotional, fun and a book that talks about second chances, steal is a great book that made me want to go back and meet the other characters.

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