Resenha: Breaching the contracto - Chantal Fernando

Título - Breaching the contract (conflict of interest #1)
Autora- Chantal Fernando
Não lançado no Brasil.
Recebemos o ARC do livro.
Classificação: 4/5 estrelas

Katerina Dawson knows exactly what she wants from life. And as the new associate at the top law firm in the city, she’s ready to live out her dreams of becoming a criminal lawyer. But going on coffee runs and babysitting kids during the day was definitely not what she had in mind. She knows that anyone else would kill to be in her shoes, but she has to draw the line somewhere. That’s easier said than done, though, when Kat has to confront her handsome boss…

Tristan Channing and Jaxon Bentley run a successful law firm together and the two partners couldn’t be busier right now. When Jaxon suddenly takes a leave of absence, Tristan begrudgingly assumes responsibility of the new associate, the hot new associate, who has curves for days. Needing to keep his distance from her, Tristan sends Kat on needless errands and has her doing work even an intern wouldn’t touch, like picking up his kids. But his plan backfires when he sees his children grow attached to Kat and sees her getting comfortable in his home. It triggers something deep within him, and it feels right to have her there. Will Tristan be able to keep his work and personal lives separate, or will he find that his heart holds the final verdict?

Resenha /Review

Breaching the contract é o primeiro livro da nova série da autora Chantal Fernando , e esse livro me surpreendeu muito , eu não achei que ia gostar tanto , mas no fim eu gostei muito e achei o livro promissor e com personagens interessantes e que espero ouvir falar mais no futuro.Esse livro é uma leitura rápida ,gostosa , divertida e sexy.Eu me vi envolvida com a história e querendo saber o que ia acontecer ou quando finalmente eles iriam ceder a atração que ambos tinham.Minha única queixa do livro é que teve um drama no final que achei desnecessário e poderia ter ficado sem , de resto acho esse livro um bom começo para uma nova série , com uma história que me manteve entretida , com personagens adoráveis e uma   escrita fluente.

Breaching the contract is the first book in the new series by the author Chantal Fernando, and this book really surprised me, I didn't think I'd like it so much, but in the end I liked it very much and I found the book promising and interesting characters and that I hope to hear more in the future.This book is a quick , hot, fun and sexy Reading . I found myself involved with the story and wondering what was going to happen or when finally they would give in the attraction that they both had.My only complaint is that the book had a drama at the end which I thought was unnecessary and could have been without, moreover I think this book a good start to a new series, with a story that kept me entertained, with adorable characters and a great writing.

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