Resenha/Review: Ace of Hearts – Chantal Fernando
Título - Ace Of Hearts ( The Cursed Ravens #1)
Autora- Chantal Fernando
Não lançado no Brasil.
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Classificação:4/5 estrelas
Erin Dawson had the perfect life growing up in a perfect home with a perfect family. Her parents gave her and her sister everything a child could want. But after learning that the man she’s called “dad” her whole life isn’t actually her biological father, Erin is determined to find the man who is.
Armed with her original birth certificate, she finds her father, but begins questioning if her mom had been right all along to keep this information buried. It turns out he is the president of a motorcycle club, which could not be further from the life Erin leads. But, she’s determined to get to know the man who she gets her striking blue eyes from. Despite getting what she wants and finding her biological father, it’s the slightly older, much rougher but incredibly sexy biker Ace that catches Erin’s eye.
As the new “princess” of the Cursed Ravens, Erin is learning a whole new world, but her father has made it clear she is off limits. Will Ace follow his President’s orders or will he put his heart ahead of his duty? A sizzling tale of family and passion, Ace of Hearts features Fernando’s signature “snark and sass” (Booklist) and is perfect for fans of Kristin Ashley.
Para sermos introduzidos a esse novo mundo começamos com a história de Erin , uma mocinha super divertida que vai em busca do seu verdadeiro pai que é ninguém menos que o presidente desse clube . E lá ela não encontra só seu pai Biológico ,mas também um mundo novo e Ace o tesoureiro do clube e alguém que Ela não estava esperando . Mas nem tudo é fácil pq agora ela é "Princesa do clube , o que significa ser fora dos limites para todos membros do clube , incluindo Ace . O problema ? É que ambos estão atraídos um pelo outro e vão ter que decidir se seguem as ordem do presidente ou arrisca .
Assim como todas as histórias desse gênero eu adorei essa história .Ele tem tudo que você quer em uma ótima leitura: romance, sexo, ação, machos alfa, uma heroína divertida e forma , e a leitura flui .Erin é muito atrevida, independente, doce, forte...e eu realmente gostei do fato de que ela não se deixou intimar por aqueles motociclistas. Já Ace é sexy um grande motociclista, com fama de mulherengos , mas ao conhecer ele podemos ver que ele também é realmente muito doce e eu amei o cuidado , carinho que ele teve com Erin durante a jornada deles. Adorei os personagens secundários e ri muito das interações da Erin com os outros motoqueiros. E espero que os outros membros do Clube também ganhe sua própria história .
Enfim , esse livro é um bom começo para uma nova série que trata do universo do MC e nos faz querer conhecer mais dos outros membros além ser uma história bem escrita com personagens divertidos e sem dramalhões desnecessários.
ACE of Hearts is the first book in the series "The Cursed Raven Mc" and made me realize how much I was homesick for his books in the world.
To be introduced to this new world we begin with the story of Erin, a girl super fun that goes in search of your real father which is none other than the President of the Club.And there she is not just your biological father, but also a new world and the Treasurer of the Club and someone she wasn't expecting.But not everything is easy because now she is "Princess of the Club, what it means to be out of bounds to all members of the Club, including Ace.The problem? Is that both are attracted to each other and will have to decide whether to follow the President's order or risk.
As well as all the stories of this genre I loved that story. He has everything you want in a great read: romance, sex, action, alpha males, a hero fun and fashion, and the reading flows.Erin is very daring, independent, sweet, strong, and I really liked the fact that she wasn't intimidated by those bikers.Ace is already a big sexy biker, with a reputation as womanizers, but knowing he can see he is also really sweet and I loved the time, care he had with Erin during their journey.I loved the secondary characters and laughed a lot of interactions of Erin with other bikers. And I hope that other members of the Club also earn your own story.
Anyway, this book is a good start to a new series that deals with the universe of MC and makes us want to know more of the other members in addition to being a well written story with fun characters and without unnecessary drama .
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