Blog Tour/Resenha:Moonlight Scandals – Jennifer L. Armentrout

Título - Moonlight Scandals ( Vicent #3)
Autora- Jennifer L. Armentrout 
Não lançado no Brasil.
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Classificação: 4,5/5 estrelas

Even a ghost hunter like Rosie Herpin couldn’t have foreseen the fateful meeting between two mourners that has brought her so intimately close to the notorious and seductive Devlin de Vincent. Everyone in New Orleans knows he’s heir to a dark family curse that both frightens and enthralls. To the locals, Devlin is the devil. To Rosie, he’s a man who’s stoking her wildest fantasies. When a brutal attack on her friend is linked to the de Vincents, he becomes a mystery she may be risking her life to solve. Devlin knows what he wants from this sexy and adventurous woman. But what does Rosie want from him? It’s a question that becomes more pressing—and more dangerous—when he suspects her of prying into the shadows of his past. Now, the legends surrounding the de Vincents may not be myths at all. But if she’s to discover the truth, she must follow them straight into the arms of the man she can’t resist—the handsome devil himself. 


Finalmente chegou a hora de conhecer a história de Devlin, o mais misterioso dos Vincent. E agora que terminei a leitura, só posso dizer que definitivamente valeu a espera e esse livro é o meu preferido dessa série 

Quem diria que Devlin e Rose seriam o par perfeito um para o outro ? Certamente não eu. Mas Jennifer L. Armentrout fez isso de modo que  esses dois formaram um casal mais improvável porém perfeito juntos , onde desde o primeiro encontro entre eles havia faíscas. Eu me diverti com os diálogos desses dois e a puxa e empurra que ocorreu entre eles foi divertido de ler .

Rose é um personagem que me ganhou completamente. Ela é uma daquelas heroínas  que eu gosto : divertida, corajosa, atrevida e meiga tudo em um pacote só. Eu amei ela , amei como ela não abaixava a cabeça para as babaquice do Devlin . Devlin é complicado . Acho que não existe melhor palavra para descrever ele , ele é fechado desconfiado, em muitos momentos um completo babaca e um completo mistério pra mim até quase o final do livro. Mas eu em momento algum consegui odiar ele.  Dava para ver que tinha uma bagagem ali e a cada página eu queria desvendar o mistério que Devlin Vicent era pra mim. 

Moonlight scandals vem trazer a história desses irmãos em um círculo completo em uma maneira ótima. Essa história é repleta de romance, mistério,  revelações e surpresas . Uma história viciante do começo ao fim .
Finally it's time to learn the story of Devlin, the most mysterious of the Vincent. And now that I've finished reading, I can only say that definitely worth the wait and this book is my favorite in this series.

Who knew Devlin and Rose would be the perfect match for each other? Certainly not me.But Jennifer L. Armentrout did it so that these two formed a more improbable yet perfect couple together, where since the first encounter between them there were sparks.I had fun with the dialogues of these two and the pull and push that occurred between them was fun to read.

Rose is a character who completely won me over. She's one of those heroines I like: fun, brave, cheeky and sweet all in one package. I loved her, I loved her as she did not lower her head to Devlin.Devlin is complicated. I think there isn't better word to describe him, he is closed, suspiciously, at times a complete asshole and a complete mystery to me until almost the end of the book.But I couldn't hate him at any time. I could see that there was a baggage there and every page I wanted to unravel the mystery that Devlin Vicent was for me.

Moonlight scandals comes to bring the story of these brothers in a complete circle in a great way. This story is filled with romance, mystery, revelations and surprises. An addictive story from beginning to end.

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