Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal Maybe Swearing Will Help ( KPD Swat Generation 2.0 #3) Lani Lynn Vale
Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal
Maybe Swearing Will Help ( KPD Swat Generation 2.0 #3) Lani Lynn Vale
Data de lançamento em inglês:10/03/2020
Ford Spurlock conheceu Ashe Trammel desde que eram bebês.
Ele também fez o melhor para ficar longe dela, porque toda vez que ele chega a um metro e meio dela, eles estão lutando como gatos e cachorros.
Ashe é a menina dos olhos do pai. A princesa do clube de motocicleta que nunca seria prejudicada de forma alguma - ou tocada por esse assunto. E ele sempre se ressentia do fato de que ela poderia se safar com coisas que ele não podia. Coisas que ela então culpa sobre ele e ele sempre é punido por isso.
Avanço rápido para a idade adulta, e Ashe ainda está fora dos limites. Ainda o deixando louco. Ainda linda.
Ela também nunca perde a oportunidade de dar-lhe o inferno.
Deve ser por isso que ele concorda em fazer uma sessão de fotos para o KPD SWAT que beneficiará sua instituição de caridade mesmo quando ele preferir atirar no próprio pé com sua arma de serviço.
Ashe nunca pensou que ele concordaria.
Honestamente, ela pensou que perguntaria a ele, ele diria que não, e isso seria o fim disso.
Ela nunca percebeu que deixaria sua foto em seu cubículo, e seria a última coisa que ela via todas as noites enquanto trancava a porta do escritório.
Quando eles eram crianças, Ford costumava ser aquele menino que jogava poeira nela e puxava o cabelo dela.
Agora, ele é o mesmo Ford Spurlock, só que muito mais sexy. E muito mais difícil dizer não para.
Quando ele a desafia para um encontro, ela não tem outro recurso a não ser concordar.
O que ela não concordou foi se apaixonar pelo Sr. March. Ou querendo dar a ele tudo o que ela tinha para dar.
Ford Spurlock has known Ashe Trammel since they were babies.
He’s also done his level best to stay away from her because every time he gets to within five feet of her, they’re fighting like cats and dogs.
Ashe is the apple of her father’s eye. The motorcycle club princess that was never to be harmed in any way—or touched for that matter. And he’s always resented the fact that she could get away with things that he couldn’t. Things that she then blames on him and he always gets punished for.
Fast forward to adulthood, and Ashe is still off limits. Still driving him insane. Still…beautiful.
She never misses an opportunity to give him hell, either.
That has to be why he agrees to do a photoshoot for KPD SWAT that’ll benefit her charity even when he’d rather shoot himself in the foot with his duty weapon.
Ashe never thought he’d agree.
Honestly, she thought she’d ask him, he’d say no, and that’d be the end of it.
She never realized that she’d leave his photo up in her cubicle, and it’d be the last thing that she saw every night as she locked her office door.
When they were kids, Ford used to be that boy that threw dirt at her and pulled her hair.
He’s also done his level best to stay away from her because every time he gets to within five feet of her, they’re fighting like cats and dogs.
Ashe is the apple of her father’s eye. The motorcycle club princess that was never to be harmed in any way—or touched for that matter. And he’s always resented the fact that she could get away with things that he couldn’t. Things that she then blames on him and he always gets punished for.
Fast forward to adulthood, and Ashe is still off limits. Still driving him insane. Still…beautiful.
She never misses an opportunity to give him hell, either.
That has to be why he agrees to do a photoshoot for KPD SWAT that’ll benefit her charity even when he’d rather shoot himself in the foot with his duty weapon.
Ashe never thought he’d agree.
Honestly, she thought she’d ask him, he’d say no, and that’d be the end of it.
She never realized that she’d leave his photo up in her cubicle, and it’d be the last thing that she saw every night as she locked her office door.
When they were kids, Ford used to be that boy that threw dirt at her and pulled her hair.
Now, he’s the same Ford Spurlock, only a whole lot sexier. And a lot harder to say no to.
When he challenges her to one date, she has no other recourse but to agree.
What she didn’t agree to was falling in love with Mr. March. Or wanting to give him everything she had to give.
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