Resenha/Review: Disavow ( The Dumonts #3) – Karina Halle

Título: Disavow ( The Dumonts #3)
Autora- Karina Halle 
Não lançado no Brasil.
Recebemos o ARC do livro.
Classificação:3.7/5 estrelas 
In the Dumont fashion empire, no heir has a reputation as decadent, arrogant, and ruthless as that of Pascal Dumont. Every transgression, an indecent pleasure. Every woman, a conquest. And none is more challenging than his new personal assistant, Gabrielle Caron. She’s defiant, alluring, and a mystery Pascal can’t wait to solve.A former family servant and daughter of the head maid, Gabrielle’s returned as suddenly as she left eight years ago. No longer an awkward teen, the ethereal young beauty has amassed a wealth of resolve. She’ll need it. In hire to the devilishly charming scion, she’s come back for one reason only. And she dare not whisper why.But as the nights grow more intimate at the Dumont maison, Gabrielle realizes that the last man she believed in is the one man she can trust with her secrets. For Pascal, falling in love means more than his own redemption. It could mean saving Gabrielle’s very life as they confront a dark and scandalous past…together.


Disavow traz a conclusão da história da família Dumont com Pascal, um personagem que nos livros anteriores se mostrou ser tão vilão quanto o pai. Então eu estava curiosa para saber se  esse personagem teria redenção, e acho que a autora conseguiu fazer eu torcer e até gostar dele no final. Um bom trabalho.

A história de Pascal e Gabrielle é cheio de segredos, suspense, revelações e romance. Um livro que prendeu minha atenção desde aquele Prólogo que partiu meu coração até as últimas paginas.  Pascal é um personagem dúbio, mas que página a página podemos ver sutis mudanças nele e ele começando a sentir o peso das coisas que ele fez no passado e chegando a realização que não queria ser que nem o seu pai. Gabrielle é alguém que passou por algo horrível no passado e volta a casa dos Dumont com um objetivo em mente, só que ela não esperava se sentir atraída pelo Pascal.

Enquanto eu gostei muito da história individual desses dois personagens, o romance em sí não me convenceu. Que eles estavam atraídos um por outro isso era visível, mas apaixonados ?! Eu não consegui enxergar isso .

O livro é bom , tirando o romance que na mi na opinião deixou um pouco a desejar o livro conseguiu prender minha atenção e foi uma daquelas leituras que nem vi o tempo passar por estar envolvida com a história.
Disavow brings the conclusion of the Dumont family story with Pascal, a character who in previous books proved to be as villainous as his father.  So I was curious to see if this character would have redemption, and I think the author managed to make me cheer and even like him in the end.  A good job.

The story of Pascal and Gabrielle is full of secrets, suspense, revelations and romance.  A book that caught my attention from that Prologue that broke my heart to the last pages.Pascal is a dubious character, but page by page we can see subtle changes in him and him beginning to feel the weight of the things he has done in the past and reaching the realization that he did not want to be like his father.  Gabrielle is someone who has gone through something horrible in the past and returns to the Dumont home with one goal in mind, only she didn't expect to be attracted to Pascal.

While I really liked the individual story of these two characters, the novel itself did not convince me.  That they were attracted to each other that was visible, but in love ?!  I couldn't see that.

The book is good, aside from the romance that in my opinion left a little to be desired, the book managed to capture my attention and it was one of those readings that I didn't even see time pass by being involved with the story

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