Resenha /Review: Wicked Hearts – Amber Kelly

Título - Wicked Hearts ( Poplar Falls #3)
Autora- Amber Kelly 
Não lançado no Brasil.
Recebemos o ARC do livro.
Classificação: 4/5 estrelas

My big brother and I landed in the care of my aunt and her husband after my parents died in a tragic accident when I was three-years-old. I grew up smothered by love from a family that knows what the bitter sting of loss feels like.Living under that umbrella afforded me the ability to grow up with the security needed to try my every whim… and I have, now it’s time to figure out who I want to be.My family would love for me to settle down with someone grounded and successful like the sexy new vet in town. I like him, but I am restless. I don’t want to be grounded. I want to ride the wind. Walker Reid has worked on my family’s ranch for years. He’s like a son to Uncle Jeff and my brother’s closet friend. He is a sexy devil, drinks too much and likes to live wild and free. I’m drawn to him. Maybe he’ll finally be the one to help me let go and find where I belong. Or maybe my brother will kill us both.


Wicked Heart, terceiro livro da série Poplar Falls traz mais um romance de cidade de interior que prendeu minha atenção do começo ao fim, por trazer personagens fantásticos, um romance doce e uma escrita fluida e bem construída .

A história de Elle e Walker é um romance lento que faz você aproveitar os pequenos momentos entre eles: as trocas de olhares, a tensão sexual e  os diálogos divertidos  e sagazes. Elle leal, doce , que tem uma grande é ótima família. E Walker é  muito mais do que o playboy que aparentou ser nos livros anteriores, ele é um bom trabalhador, um ótimo amigo e consegue ser protetor e doce com Elle. Eu gostei muito do relacionamento deles apenas gostaria que tivéssemos mais momentos deles juntos como um casal .
Wicked Heart, third book of the Poplar Falls series brings another romance from the Small town that has caught my attention from beginning to end, for bringing fantastic characters, a sweet and well-built character.

Elle and Walker's story is a slow romance that makes you enjoy the little moments between them: the look-changing, sexual tension and the fun dialogues. Elle loyal, sweet, who has a big one is great family. And Walker is a lot more than the playboy who appeared to be in the previous books, he's a good worker, a good friend, and he can be protective and sweet with Elle. I really liked their relationship. I just wish we had more of their moments together as a couple.

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