Resenha/Review:Malicious – Alex Grayson e Melissa Toppen

Título - Malicious
Autora- Alex Grayson e Melissa Toppen
Não lançado no Brasil.
Recebemos o ARC do livro.
Classificação: 4/5 estrelas

Oliver Conley….
The most infuriating man I’ve ever met.
He’s crass, selfish, malicious. The worst kind of person.
From our very first encounter we were at odds. Standing on opposite ends of the battlefield preparing for war.
He didn’t care for me.
I despised him.
Until one day things started to change….
I didn’t want to want him. Hell, I hated myself for it.
And yet, there I was, falling hard for a man I had sworn as my mortal enemy.
But as time passed, I started to see him differently.
I started to see beyond the perfect exterior he exuded.
I started to see him.
But how can you truly know someone who’s spent their entire life hiding behind a façade?
Lines are drawn.
Secrets are revealed.And when the dust finally settles, nothing will ever be the same again.


Eu sempre fico incerta em como começar minhas resenhas, mas acho que um bom lugar é falando que embora Malicius seja um livro único e possa ser lido sozinho, acho que para ter um entendimento completo o ideal seria ler Treacherous já que algumas ações do Oliver ocorreram lá e acho que para quem não leu o livro ficaria se perguntando o que ele fez.

Dito isso eu gostei muito do livro, assim que terminei Treacherous eu odiava o Oliver e acho que as autoras fizeram um bom trabalho em mostrando que as pessoas cometem erros , aprendem e crescem diante disso. O Oliver que conheci nesse livro foi um bom garoto, protetor , fiel e bom amigo. É um rapaz que tem um drama familiar acontecendo e em vários momentos eu quis abraçar ele. Já Savannah é o oposto, vem de uma base familiar sólida e amorosa e mesmo assim está lutando com seus demônios, ela é uma personagem que mostrou sua força e fragilidade. Oliver e Savannah  desenvolveram um relacionamento que eu gostei de assistir e acho que ambos fizeram bem um para o outro .

Esse livro traz algumas reviravoltas que pra mim não foram tão surpreendentes assim porque eu vi aquilo chegando  e acho que as autoras poderiam ter desenvolvido um pouco melhor o assunto. O mesmo aconteceu com o tema tratado através da Savannah , é um tema delicado e acho que as autoras poderiam ter dado um pouco mais atenção ao desenrolar do tema, principalmente no final. A resolução da história foi um pouco apressada e tudo se resolveu sem problemas e algumas pontas ficaram soltas.

Enfim, esse é o segundo livro que leio das autoras e acho que elas fizeram um ótimo trabalho com essa história.
I'm always uncertain about how to start my research, but I think a good place is to say that even though Malicius is a unique book and can be read alone, I think to have a complete understanding the ideal would be to read Treacherous, and I think that for those of us that he didn't read it, I think that for those of us who didn't read it, I think that for those of us who didn't read it, I think that if he didn't read it, I think that if he didn't read it, I think that if he didn't read it, he'd be wondering what he did.

That said, I liked the book a lot, so I finished Treacherous, and I hated Oliver and I think the authors did a good job of showing people that people make mistakes, learn and grow up in front of it. The Oliver I met in this book was a good boy, protective, faithful and good friend. It's a boy who has a family drama going on and at a lot of times I wanted to hug him.Savannah is the opposite, comes from a solid, loving family base and yet she's fighting with her demons, she's a character who showed her strength and fragility. Oliver and Savannah developed a relationship I enjoyed watching and I think they both did good for each other.

This book brings in some twists that to me weren't so surprising because I saw it coming, and I think the authors might have developed a little better. The same thing happened to the theme treated through Savannah, it's a delicate theme and I think the authors might have given a little more attention to the subject, especially at the end. The resolution of the story 
 a little rushed and everything was resolved without a problem and some ends were loose.

Anyway, this is the second book I read from the authors and I think they did a great job with that story.

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