Capa Revelada: Runaway Groomsman: Meghan Quinn
A autora Author Meghan Quinn revelou a capa do livro Runaway Groomsman que será lançado em 11 de outubro.
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A autora Author Meghan Quinn revelou a capa do livro Runaway Groomsman que será lançado em 11 de outubro.
O roteirista de Hollywood Sawyer Castle conhece uma boa história de amor quando a vê. Mas quando se trata de romance na vida real, ele é uma bagunça. É assim que ele se encontra no altar... enquanto sua ex-namorada se casa com seu famoso melhor amigo. A pressão, o ressentimento, a cobertura da mídia – é tudo demais – e antes que ele saiba exatamente o que está fazendo, ele está fugindo, deixando uma congregação chocada e câmeras piscando em seu rastro.
Precisando ficar quieto em meio às consequências da mídia, Sawyer chega à charmosa cidade de Canoodle, Califórnia, onde cruza o caminho de Fallon Long, que administra o Canoodle Cove Cabins, uma empresa familiar e a nova residência temporária de Sawyer. Oprimida com as reformas e sua longa lista de responsabilidades, Fallon está lutando para sobreviver enquanto tenta trazer as cabines de volta à sua glória original. Então, quando Sawyer chega, ela fica grata pela renda, mas imediatamente o descarta como apenas mais um insípido hack de Hollywood, até que ele começa a provar que ela está errada a cada passo.
À medida que Fallon se aproxima de salvar os negócios da família, um vínculo inegável se forma entre ela e o belo roteirista. Mas as pressões de suas obrigações familiares e a notoriedade de Sawyer podem ser demais para qualquer um lidar. Poderia Canoodle ser o cenário para um novo romance - ou o amor verdadeiro é apenas um clichê de Hollywood?
Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.
Needing to lie low amid the media fallout, Sawyer lands in the charming town of Canoodle, California, where he crosses paths with Fallon Long, who runs the Canoodle Cove Cabins, a family-owned business and Sawyer’s new short-term residence. Overwhelmed with renovations and her long list of responsibilities, Fallon is struggling to make ends meet while attempting to bring the cabins back to their original glory. So when Sawyer arrives, she is grateful for the income, but immediately writes him off as just another vapid Hollywood hack, until he begins to prove her wrong at every turn.
As Fallon comes closer to saving the family business, an undeniable bond forms between her and the handsome screenwriter. But the pressures of her family obligations and Sawyer’s notoriety might prove to be too much for anyone to handle. Could Canoodle be the setting for a new romance—or is true love just a Hollywood cliché?ela está errada a cada passo.
À medida que Fallon se aproxima de salvar os negócios da família, um vínculo inegável se forma entre ela e o belo roteirista. Mas as pressões de suas obrigações familiares e a notoriedade de Sawyer podem ser demais para qualquer um lidar. Poderia Canoodle ser o cenário para um novo romance - ou o amor verdadeiro é apenas um clichê de Hollywood?
Hollywood screenwriter Sawyer Castle knows a good love story when he sees it. But when it comes to real life romance, he’s a mess. That’s how he finds himself standing at the altar…as his ex-girlfriend ties the knot with his very famous best friend. The pressure, the resentment, the media coverage—it’s all too much—and before he knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s making a run for it, leaving a shocked congregation and flashing cameras in his wake.
Needing to lie low amid the media fallout, Sawyer lands in the charming town of Canoodle, California, where he crosses paths with Fallon Long, who runs the Canoodle Cove Cabins, a family-owned business and Sawyer’s new short-term residence. Overwhelmed with renovations and her long list of responsibilities, Fallon is struggling to make ends meet while attempting to bring the cabins back to their original glory. So when Sawyer arrives, she is grateful for the income, but immediately writes him off as just another vapid Hollywood hack, until he begins to prove her wrong at every turn.
As Fallon comes closer to saving the family business, an undeniable bond forms between her and the handsome screenwriter. But the pressures of her family obligations and Sawyer’s notoriety might prove to be too much for anyone to handle. Could Canoodle be the setting for a new romance—or is true love just a Hollywood cliché?
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