Capa Revelada/ Cover Reveal : The Beard Made Me do It by Lani Lynn Vale
Capa Revelada/ Cover Reveal
The Beard Made Me do It by Lani Lynn Vale
Data de lançamento : 28/06/2017
Ele é apenas um amigo .
Essas palavras tinham o atormentado a partir do momento em que Jessie James tinha ouvido murmurou da garota, acima de todos os outros, que ele achava que tinha suas costas.
Dezesseis anos depois, ele ainda sente essas palavras como uma marca na sua alma.
Sorte dele que ele tem um filho para cuidar, um trabalho que exige cada segundo do dia e não um único momento de sobra para os gostos de uma mulher que não defende-lo quando ele precisa dela mais.
Ele é apenas um amigo.
As palavras tinham deslizado fora da boca da Ellen, e antes que ela pudesse recordá-los ou melhor ainda, explicar, Jesse desapareceu da vida para sempre, levando o coração com ele.
Ela tenta encontrar sua maneira fora do poço de desespero, mas nem uma única pessoa, não importa o quanto ela tenta, pode preencher o vazio que ele deixou em seu rastro.
O tempo cura todas as feridas. Ou pelo menos é como diz o ditado.
É um monte de porcaria, no entanto.
Dezesseis anos passam até que Jessie e Ellen se veem outra vez sem a influência da cidade e más memórias em torno deles, e é como se nem um único dia tivesse passado.
Ellen sabe no instante em que ela vê seu velho amor que ela ainda é tão quanto no amor com ele, hoje ela foi há tantos anos atrás.
O problema é que Jessie não quer nada com ela. Ou pelo menos é o que ele continua dizendo a si mesmo .
He’s only a friend.
Those words had haunted him from the moment Jessie James had heard them muttered from the one girl, above all others, that he thought had his back.
Sixteen years later, he still feels those words like a brand on his soul.
Lucky for him he has a son to take care of, a full-time job that demands every single second of the day, and not a single moment to spare for the likes of a woman that won’t stand up for him when he needs her the most.
He’s only a friend.
The words had slipped out of Ellen’s mouth, and before she could recall them or better yet, explain, Jesse is gone from her life for good, taking her heart with him.
Those words had haunted him from the moment Jessie James had heard them muttered from the one girl, above all others, that he thought had his back.
Sixteen years later, he still feels those words like a brand on his soul.
Lucky for him he has a son to take care of, a full-time job that demands every single second of the day, and not a single moment to spare for the likes of a woman that won’t stand up for him when he needs her the most.
He’s only a friend.
The words had slipped out of Ellen’s mouth, and before she could recall them or better yet, explain, Jesse is gone from her life for good, taking her heart with him.
She tries to find her way out of the pit of despair, but not one single person, no matter how much she tries, can fill the void that he left in his wake.
Time heals all wounds. Or at least that is how the saying goes.
It’s a crock of crap, though.
Sixteen years pass when Jessie and Ellen see each other again without the influence of the town and bad memories surrounding them, and it’s as if not a single day has passed.
Ellen knows the instant that her eyes see her old love that she’s still just as much in love with him today as she was all those years ago.
The problem is that Jesse wants nothing to do with her. Or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself.
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