Blog Tour / Resenha : Damnable Grace ( Hades Hagmen #5) by Tillie Cole

Blog Tour 
Damnable Grace ( Hades Hagmen #5) by Tillie Cole 
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#BlogTour #DamnableGrace #HangmenHarem #HadesHangmen #DarkRomanceRevolution #AKAndPhebe #TillieColeBooks


Secrets never stay hidden.

The burden of guilt never lifts from the heart.

Born and raised in The Order of David, Sister Phebe knows nothing but cult life. Head of the Sacred Sisters of New Zion, Phebe was groomed from childhood for one purpose: to seduce. Prized as a harlot, as a New Zion whore, Phebe is taken from the doomed cult by Meister, the notorious leader of the Aryan Brotherhood. Taken as his possession. Taken to be the woman who will obey his every sexual demand. Under his heavy hand, Phebe finds herself in a place much worse than she could ever have imagined... with absolutely no one to help. And no glimpse of hope.

Xavier ‘AK’ Deyes is content with his life as Sergeant-At-Arms of the Hades Hangmen. Leader of the infamous ‘Psycho Trio’ and ex-special ops sniper, AK knows how to fight. Experienced in warfare and schooled in military operations, AK is vital to the Hangmen. When his Vice President needs help retrieving his missing sister-in-law, Phebe, from a Klan-funded trafficking ring, AK volunteers to go in. AK remembers the redhead from New Zion. Remembers everything about her from the single time they met—her red hair, blue eyes and freckled face. But when he finds her, heavily drugged and under Meister’s control, her sorry condition causes him to remember more than the beautiful woman he once tied to a tree. Saving Phebe forces hidden demons from his past to return. A past he can never move on from, no matter how hard he tries.

As AK fights to help Phebe, and in turn she strives to help him, they realize their secret sins will never leave them alone. Kindred broken souls, they realize the only way they can be rid of their ghosts is to face them together and try to find peace.

Despair soon turns to hope, and damaged hearts soon start to heal. But when their deep, painful scars resurface, becoming too much to bear, the time comes when they must make a heavy choice: stay forever damned; or together, find grace.


Tillie Cole fez isto de novo . Para quem conhece a escrita dessa autora sabe da sua incrível 
habilidade de escrever histórias extraordinárias e poderosas que vão ficar na sua cabeça por um longo tempo mesmo após você ler a única página do livro .

Damnable Grace é o quinto livro da série Hades Hagmen e a cada livro , ela consegue nos surpreender pelo seu jeito peculiar de contar a história fazendo meu coração  quebrar , acelerar  para no fim colocar ele de volta no Lugar . Os livros dessa série são fortes,violentos , sangrentos  e simplesmente ... brilhantes .

 Eu não vou entrar no mérito da história , porque acredite quando eu digo que são emoções que você tem que descobrir por si mesma ao ler . Eu só posso tentar expressar o quanto  eu amei esse livro.

A heroína da nossa história é Phebe , e embora já tivemos vislumbres  dela nos livros anterior , a história dela é muito mais do que eu poderia esperar . Ela passou por tanto em sua vida que meu coração quebrou por ela em tantos momentos. Mas ao mesmo tempo acho que  ela é uma das mocinhas mais forte dessa série. Ela carrega com ela culpa , arrependimentos  e acho que ela foi florescendo com o decorrer da história , se libertando aos poucos dos demônios do seu passado com a ajuda do nosso protagonista ..

Ak ... nunca imaginei que ele ia ganhar meu coração ... mas ele ganhou ... totalmente . Quem diria que aquele motoqueiro , poderia fazer meu coração derreter . Ak se mostrou um personagem forte , carinhoso , amoroso, e protetor com Phebe . De certa forma eles se reconheciam neles mesmo . Assim como Phebe , ele carrega o peso dos demônios do seu passado . Ak tem um pouco de um mocinho quebrado , e talvez por ele se mostra tão vulnerável eu me apaixonei por ele .

Ak e Phebe juntos são simplesmente certos .. não tenho como descrever de outra forma . Acho que ambos precisavam um do outro para deixar o passado ir e  seguir em frente e Tillie Cole fez isso de forma brilhante . Acho que eles se juntaram a Lilah e Ky como meus casal e história preferida dessa série .

"His arms came around me, and I heard his breathing in my ear. In the comfort of his safe embrace, I let sleep pull me under. And for the first time in my life, I lay in bed with a man and just slept.
My body protected in his arms…
…and perhaps my soul too.” 

Um dos pontos altos dessa história foi saber um pouco mais sobre o trio de psyco e como o laço entre Ak , Vike e Flame se formou . Eu adorei saber um pouco mais da história deles e cai no amor um pouco mais com esses personagens e o forte laço de amizade e família que eles compartilham .

Damnable Grace é uma história emocional , forte  e bela onde mais uma vez Tillie Cole nos entregou uma brilhante história e personagens inesquecíveis. Com toda certeza entrou para meu top 5 de 2017.

Tillie Cole did it again. For those who know the writing of this author knows of your amazing ability to 
write extraordinary and powerful stories that will stay in your head for a long time even after you read the single page of the book.

Damnable Grace is the fifth book in the series Hades Hagmen and each book, she can surprise us by your way of telling the story making my heart break, accelerating to in order to put it back in place.The books in this series are strong, violent, bloody and just ... brilliant.

I'm not going to get into the merits of the story, because believe me when I say they are emotions that you have to find out for yourself by reading. I can only try to express how much I loved this book

The heroine of our story is Phebe, and although we've had glimpses of her previous books, her story is so much more than I would expect.She's been through so much in your life my heart broke for her so many times. But at the same time I think she is one of the strongest girls in this series.She carries with 

her guilt, regrets and think she was blooming with the course of the story, fleeing to a few of the demons from your past with the help of our lead.

AK ... never thought he was going to win my heart ... but he won ... totally. Who would have thought that biker could make my heart melt. AK proved to be a strong character, caring, loving, and protective of Phebe.In a way they recognize in them anyway. As well as Phebe, he carries the weight of the demons from your past. AK has some heroes as broken, and maybe because he shows so vulnerable I fell in love with him.

AK and Phebe together are simply right.. I can't describe it any other way. I think they both needed each other to let the past go and move on and Tillie Cole did it brilliantly.I think they were joined by Lilah and Ky as my couple and favorite story of that series.

His arms came around me, and I heard his breathing in my ear. In the comfort of his safe embrace, I let sleep pull me under. And for the first time in my life, I lay in bed with a man and just slept.
My body protected in his arms…
…and perhaps my soul too.” 

One of the highlights of this story was knowing a little more about the trio of psyco and how the bond between Ak, Vike and Flame was born.I love to know a little more of their story and falls in love a little more with these characters and the strong bond of friendship and family that they share.

Damnable Grace is a must read. It’s just remarkable, exceptional, and completely extraordinary. I loved every page of this story and I can't wait for the next book in this series.This book definitely entered my top 5 of 2017.


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