Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal : Didn't I Warn you by Amber Bardan
Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal
Didn't I Warn you by Amber Bardan
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Neste alfa-driven romance perfeito para os fãs do Vi Keeland e S.L. Jennings, o preço da paixão de uma mulher é tudo que ela preza.
Nem tudo perigoso é ruim .
Desde o momento em que Angelina pôs os olhos nele, ela caiu em uma fantasia. Misterioso, estranho, lindo Haithem ofereceu-lhe o que ela mais precisou — a chance de sentir de novo.
Mas Haithem é muito mais do que ele aparenta ser. Ele vive em um mundo perigoso onde tudo vem com um preço .
Para Angelina , o preço é o seu futuro.
Ele assegurou a vida que ela deixou para trás está em frangalhos. Fez com que a família dela acredita que ela está morta. Ele fala sobre a protegê-la, sobre a mantê-la segura, mas ela não consegue distinguir a verdade das mentiras dele. Ela não consegue separar o prazer dela sua traição.
Haithem avisou ela.Ele disse que fazia com que seu coração acelerar, seu corpo vivo, e suas necessidades mais correm para a superfície. Sua para ser tomada.
Não disse que ela viria a amar o diabo quem é destruí-la, mesmo que ele a mantém prisioneira.
In this alpha-driven romance perfect for fans of Vi Keeland and S.L. Jennings, the price of one woman’s passion is everything she holds dear
Not everything dangerous is bad.
From the moment Angelina laid eyes on him, she fell into a fantasy. Mysterious, foreign, gorgeous, Haithem offered her what she needed most—a chance to feel again.
But Haithem is much more than he appears to be. He lives in a world of danger where everything comes at a price.
For Angelina, that price is her future.
He’s ensured the life she’s left behind is in tatters. Made her family believe she’s dead. He talks about protecting her, about keeping her safe, but she can’t distinguish his truth from his lies. She can’t separate her pleasure from his betrayal.
Haithem warned her. He told her he’d make her heart race, her body come alive, and her most primal needs rush to the surface. His for the taking.
Not everything dangerous is bad.
From the moment Angelina laid eyes on him, she fell into a fantasy. Mysterious, foreign, gorgeous, Haithem offered her what she needed most—a chance to feel again.
But Haithem is much more than he appears to be. He lives in a world of danger where everything comes at a price.
For Angelina, that price is her future.
He’s ensured the life she’s left behind is in tatters. Made her family believe she’s dead. He talks about protecting her, about keeping her safe, but she can’t distinguish his truth from his lies. She can’t separate her pleasure from his betrayal.
Haithem warned her. He told her he’d make her heart race, her body come alive, and her most primal needs rush to the surface. His for the taking.
He didn’t say she’d come to love the devil who’s destroying her, even as he keeps her prisoner.
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