Lançamento do dia /Release Day : Tortured by Nicole Williams
Lançamento do dia /Release Day
Tortured by Nicole Williams
NewRelease #Tortured #NicoleWilliams #StandAlone #MustRead
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Quando ele saiu para uma implantação de doze meses, ela sabia que sentiria uma eternidade antes que eles se viram. Ela não sabia quão certa ela estava.
Quando o cabo Brecken Connolly é levado como prisioneiro de guerra, Camryn espera pelo melhor mas aços-se para o pior. No final, o aço era o que ela precisava sobreviver quando ele não. Ela se move sobre a única maneira que sabe como — dourando-se em mais de aço.
Anos se passam.
Ela constrói uma nova vida
Deixando a antiga para trás .
Até que um dia, ela vê o rosto de um fantasma no noticiário. Brecken parece ter ressuscitado dos mortos, mas ela sabe que ela não pode realizar o milagre mesmo para ela. Enquanto Brecken realizou-se em um campo de tortura nos últimos cinco anos, ela está presa em sua própria forma de prisão.Uma que ela não pode se ver livre.
O homem que ela chorou volta a viver a vida, mas ele queria passar a vida com a garota não é a mesma mulher para que, ele volta. Brecken também não é a mesma pessoa. Nos últimos cinco anos os dois mudaram. Enquanto ele está determinado a voltar a juntar as peças, ela resolveu deixar as dela aprodecer onde elas,quebraram.
Quebrada ou não Brecken quer ela de volta.Ele vai fazer de tudo para conseguir isso. Mesmo que isso signifique ir contra o diretor pessoal da prisão Camryn — o marido dela.
When he left for a twelve-month deployment, she knew it would feel like forever before they saw each other again. She didn’t realize how right she was.
When Lance Corporal Brecken Connolly gets taken as a POW, Camryn hopes for the best but steels herself for the worst. In the end, steel was what she needed to survive when he didn’t. She moves on the only way she knows how—gilding herself in more steel.
Years go by.
She builds a new life.
She leaves the old one behind.
Until one day, she sees the face of a ghost on the news. Brecken seems to have risen from the dead, but she knows she can’t perform the same miracle for herself. While Brecken was held in a torture camp for the past five years, she’s been trapped in her own kind of prison. One she can’t be freed from.
The man she mourned comes back to join the living, but the girl he wanted to spend his life with isn’t the same woman he comes back for. Brecken isn’t the same person either. The past five years have changed them both. While he’s determined to put the pieces back together, she’s resolved to let hers rot where they shattered.
When Lance Corporal Brecken Connolly gets taken as a POW, Camryn hopes for the best but steels herself for the worst. In the end, steel was what she needed to survive when he didn’t. She moves on the only way she knows how—gilding herself in more steel.
Years go by.
She builds a new life.
She leaves the old one behind.
Until one day, she sees the face of a ghost on the news. Brecken seems to have risen from the dead, but she knows she can’t perform the same miracle for herself. While Brecken was held in a torture camp for the past five years, she’s been trapped in her own kind of prison. One she can’t be freed from.
The man she mourned comes back to join the living, but the girl he wanted to spend his life with isn’t the same woman he comes back for. Brecken isn’t the same person either. The past five years have changed them both. While he’s determined to put the pieces back together, she’s resolved to let hers rot where they shattered.
Broken or not, Brecken wants her back. He’ll do anything to achieve that. Even if it means going against the warden of Camryn’s personal prison—her husband.
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