Resenha/Review : Vicious by L.J Shen



They say love and hate are the same feelings experienced under different circumstances, and it’s true. 
The man who comes to me in my dreams also haunts me in my nightmares. 
He is a brilliant lawyer. 
A skilled criminal. 
A beautiful liar. 
A bully and a savior, a monster and a lover. 
Ten years ago, he made me run away from the small town where we lived. Now, he came for me in New York, and he isn’t leaving until he takes me with him. 


She is a starving artist. 
Pretty and evasive like cherry blossom. 
Ten years ago, she barged into my life unannounced and turned everything upside down. 
She paid the price. 
Emilia LeBlanc is completely off-limits, my best friend’s ex-girlfriend. The woman who knows my darkest secret, and the daughter of the cheap Help        we hired to take care of our estate. 
That should deter me from chasing her, but it doesn’t. 
So she hates me. Big fucking deal. 
She better get used to me. 


Vicious é o meu segundo livro de L.J Shen e é o primeiro livro de uma série promissora dessa autora . Com uma escrita fantástica e  cativante ela nos entrega uma história de amor/ ódio entre dois personagens complexos que me frustaram boa parte do livro . Mas eu adoro isso .

Esse livro tem uma pitada de Bully , mas ao mesmo tempo é diferente . Contado em duplo ponto de vista e com flashback do passado , 10 anos antes , aqui temos a história de Emily e vicious , um romance contemporâneo que me cativou e prendeu minha atenção até o final .

We’ve waited a long time for this. I want the real thing. Not the watered-down version. And the real thing is not only beautiful. It is also ugly. I want your truth.”
Vicious nos apresenta uma história com uma premissa que talvez não seja a mais original , mas com a forma brilhante que L.J Shen narrou sua história no final, ela acabou se tornando uma história singular.

Esse livro é apenas o começo promissor de uma série com personagens principais complexos e frustrantes ao mesmo tempo ( onde boa parte do livro passei querendo entrar nas paginas e soca-los ) e personagens secundários promissores que eu espero conhecer mais a fundo no futuro .

Vicious é uma leitura sexy , emocional e excitante , mas acima de tudo é um livro totalmente viciante que não consegui parar de ler até o final . 

Vicious is my second book of L. J. Shen and is the first book of a promising series of this author.With a fantastic writing and captivating she hands us a love/hate story between two complex characters. But I love it. It's Amazing .

This book has a hint of Bully, but at the same time is different. Told in a double point of view and with flashback from the past 10 years earlier, here we have the story of Emily and vicious, a contemporary romance that captivated me and captured my attention until the end.

We’ve waited a long time for this. I want the real thing. Not the watered-down version. And the real thing is not only beautiful. It is also ugly. I want your truth.”

Vicious presents us a story with a premise which might not be the most original, but with the brilliantly that l.j. Shen narrated her story at the end, she became a unique history.This book is just the promising start of a series with main characters complex and frustrating at the same time(where much of the book I spent trying to get into the pages and punch them,Especially Vicious)and promising supporting characters that I hope to meet more thoroughly in the future.

Vicious is a sexy, emotional and exciting reading, but above all is a totally addictive book I couldn't stop reading until the end.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Estrelas/ Stars 

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