Resenha/Review : Lucas ( Cold fury #8)!by Sawyer bennett

Título - Lucas ( Cold Fury #8)
Autora- Sawyer Bennett
Não lançado no Brasil.
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Classificação: 4.25/5 estrelas

The Carolina Cold Fury hockey team is stacked with hotshots. But when a new player joins their ranks, he learns that even superstars can't go it alone when it comes to love.

Lucas Fournier is only serious about one thing: hockey. The league's fun-loving charmer, Luc is always up for a good prank or a great lay, and he has no intention of settling down. But being traded to the Carolina Cold Fury -- and to play alongside his big brother, Max -- is no joke. With another title in sight, the last thing Luc wants is to let his new teammates down. To succeed, Luc will need to keep his head in the game and the, demanding member of his anatomy in check. But when temptation hits, Luc hits back harder.

Museum curator Stephanie Frazier has always put business before pleasure, which just about explains her nonexistent sex life. But when Stephanie meets Luc at a champagne-fueled gala, she finds herself flirting like crazy -- and going home with the uninhibited athlete. For one night, she learns what passion is all about. She just never counted on the little surprise Luc leaves behind. And that's when things really start to get...interesting.


Lucas é o oitavo livro da série Cold Fury Hockey e embora seja um clichê , o jeito que Sawyer Bennet trata suas histórias , transforma um tema batido e clichê em uma perfeita história para um domingo chuvoso.

Eu adoro essa série, e me atrevo a dizer que embora essa série tenha seus altos e baixos ao longo dos livros , esse livro certamente está na categoria de altos . Eu adorei essa história , me vi rindo diversas vezes durante a leitura , outras vezes me apaixonando pelo Luca e tendo um sentimento de compreensão pela Stephanie.

Eu adorei  o relacionamento de Lucas e Stephanie, acho que foi um dos romances dessa série que mais gostei de ver se desenvolver.Lucas é um caso a parte e embora Ryker seja meu preferido Lucas tá lá também, ele é o perfeito namorado que toda garota poderia dizer . Vamos falar de Stephanie um pouco , enquanto muitos podem ter problemas por ela eu me senti protetora dela é realmente entendo de onde suas atitudes veem , e fiquei feliz de como ela  aos poucos foi se abrindo aos outros .Minha única queixa aqui é o final , achei um pouco corrido e acho que a Epifania de Stephanie poderia ter sido um pouco mais trabalhada .

Esse livro é mais uma adição a uma série ótima .Lucas é um livro divertido , romântico com personagens carismáticos , tudo que eu precisava para me fazer companhia nesse domingo . Agora que venha a história de Van e Simone porque aquele final me deixou querendo a história deles .


Lucas is the eight  book in the series Cold Fury Hockey and although it is a cliche, the way Sawyer Bennet comes your stories, becomes a hit theme and cliché in a perfect story for a rainy Sunday.

I love this series, and I dare say that although this series has its ups and downs over the books, this book certainly is in the high category. I loved that story, I found myself laughing several times during the reading, sometimes falling by Luca and having a feeling of Understanding by Stephanie.

I loved the relationship of Luke and Stephanie, I think that was one of the novels in this series that I liked to see develop. Lucas is a case and although Ryker is my favorite Lucas's there too, he's the perfect boyfriend that every girl could say.Let's talk about Stephanie a little, while many may have trouble for her I felt protective of her is really understand where their attitudes can see, and I was happy how she gradually opening for to others.My only complaint here is the end, I found a little run and I think 
Stephanie Epiphany might have been a little more work.

This book is one more addition to a great series. Lucas is a fun book, romantic with charismatic characters, all I needed to keep me company this Sunday. Now that come the story of Van and Simone because that left me wanting to end their story.

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