Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal: Beyond The Sea – L.H.Cosway
Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal
Beyond The Sea – L.H.Cosway
Data de Lançamento em inglês: 09/06
Em um penhasco solitário ao lado do vasto mar azul há uma casa.
Na casa, vive uma garota, e na garota vive um sonho.
Logo ela estará livre como os peixes que nadam sob a água. Mas até lá ela espera o tempo dela e vive tranquilamente, cada movimento dela dominado por uma madrasta sem coração e sem coração.
A esperança de liberdade é tudo o que ela tem para se segurar. Tão perto que quase pode provar. Mas quando o irmão mais novo de sua madrasta o vem para ficar, ele apresenta um mistério que a atrai.
A garota não entende que sob o encanto do desconhecido às vezes tudo o que encontramos são horrores. E em busca da verdade, seu coração corre perigo de cair como uma pedra no fundo do mar escuro.
On a lonely cliff beside the vast blue sea there is a house.
In the house there lives a girl, and in the girl there lives a dream.
Soon she'll be as free as the fishes that swim beneath the water. But until then she bides her time and lives quietly, her every move ruled over by an uncaring, heartless stepmother.
The hope for freedom is all she has to hold onto. So close she can almost taste it. But when her stepmother’s estranged younger brother comes to stay, he presents a mystery that lures her in.
The girl doesn’t understand that beneath the allure of the unknown sometimes all we find are horrors. And in searching for the truth, her heart is in danger of falling like a rock to the bottom of the deep dark sea.
In the house there lives a girl, and in the girl there lives a dream.
Soon she'll be as free as the fishes that swim beneath the water. But until then she bides her time and lives quietly, her every move ruled over by an uncaring, heartless stepmother.
The hope for freedom is all she has to hold onto. So close she can almost taste it. But when her stepmother’s estranged younger brother comes to stay, he presents a mystery that lures her in.
The girl doesn’t understand that beneath the allure of the unknown sometimes all we find are horrors. And in searching for the truth, her heart is in danger of falling like a rock to the bottom of the deep dark sea.
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