Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal: Quarter Miles ( Runaway #3) – Devney perry
Capa Revelada/Cover Reveal
Quarter Miles ( Runaway #3) – Devney perry
Data de lançamento em inglês:25/08
Katherine Gates está apaixonada por Cash Greer desde o momento em que ele salvou a vida dela de uma cabra fugitiva. De acordo com Cash, ela é a irmã mais nova que ele nunca teve, a melhor colega de quarto do mundo e sua colega favorita. São amigos, melhores amigos.
Nos dias sombrios de sua juventude, foi a amizade que a manteve viva e fez vida num ferro velho que valia a pena viver. Então ela aprendeu a enfiar seus sentimentos por Cash no fundo, mesmo que isso signifique ignorar os olhos que brilham mais do que o sol de verão de Montana e o sorriso que ilumina o dia mais nevante de inverno.
Exceto a cada ano que passa, a negação cobra seu coração ferido até que um dia Katherine decida fazer uma viagem impulsiva para a costa do Oregon. Sozinha. Até Cash conseguir o caminho para o banco do passageiro.
Quanto mais longe viajam, mais difícil é fingir. E quando ela confessa seus sentimentos, ela aprende que Cash tem alguns segredos dele. Segredos que os unirão.
Ou irá separar eles.
Katherine Gates has been in love with Cash Greer since the moment he saved her life from a runaway goat. According to Cash, she’s the little sister he never had, the greatest roommate in the world and his favorite coworker. They’re friends—best friends.
In the dark days of her youth, it was his friendship that kept her alive and made life in a junkyard worth living. So she’s learned to shove her feelings for Cash down deep, even if that means ignoring eyes that shine brighter than the Montana summer sun and the smile that illuminates the snowiest winter day.
Except with every passing year, the denial takes its toll on her wounded heart until one day Katherine decides to take an impulsive road trip to the Oregon coast. Alone. That is, until Cash cons his way into the passenger seat.
The farther they travel, the harder it is to pretend. And when she confesses her feelings, she learns that Cash has some secrets of his own. Secrets that will either bond them together.
Or rip them apart.
In the dark days of her youth, it was his friendship that kept her alive and made life in a junkyard worth living. So she’s learned to shove her feelings for Cash down deep, even if that means ignoring eyes that shine brighter than the Montana summer sun and the smile that illuminates the snowiest winter day.
Except with every passing year, the denial takes its toll on her wounded heart until one day Katherine decides to take an impulsive road trip to the Oregon coast. Alone. That is, until Cash cons his way into the passenger seat.
The farther they travel, the harder it is to pretend. And when she confesses her feelings, she learns that Cash has some secrets of his own. Secrets that will either bond them together.
Or rip them apart.
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